Data Extraction and Filtering Tool (DEFT) N.D.A

The Problem

The US-based energy research institute identified a critical need for a robust data analysis tool to address the challenges posed by shifting weather patterns affecting power system adequacy and efficiency. With the increasing unpredictability of weather conditions, there was a pressing need to prevent unnecessary energy loss and reduce carbon emissions. The existing tools were insufficient to handle the complexity of large weather data repositories and lacked the advanced modelling capabilities required for scenario and adequacy analysis of power systems. Without an effective solution, the institute faced challenges in accurately assessing energy system adequacy and mitigating risks associated with weather-induced fluctuations in energy demand and supply.

Our Solution

To address the challenges faced by the US-based energy research institute, we developed the Data Extraction and Filtering Tool (DEFT). DEFT serves as a scenario and adequacy analysis tool for power system assessment, leveraging large weather data repositories. It includes advanced modelling capabilities and a workflow execution engine to perform complex energy systems analysis and data pre-processing. By harnessing the power of AI to predict weather patterns, DEFT enables proactive measures to prevent unnecessary energy use and reduce carbon emissions. Our solution contributes to a zero-carbon future by providing the institute with a powerful tool to accurately assess power system adequacy and mitigate risks associated with shifting weather patterns, ultimately enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability.